Friday, July 24, 2009

Check it Once, Check it Twice

We all know the basics of conserving energy: Unplugging appliances that aren't being used, turning off lights when you're not in the room, turning off your computer, or putting it to sleep when not in use, using an electrical strip for little used appliances, unplugging chargers when not in use, using energy/water conservation buttons on our washers and hanging clothes out to dry.

We do all of that, plus we turn off our hot water heater during the 22-23 hours of the day we aren't using it. However, yesterday when I was waiting for a load of laundry to get done (and I've sat and literally watched the electric meter go wild when I'm doing wash), I realized that the "extra rinse" button had been accidentally pushed, so I had washed 4 loads already, putting my clothes through an unneeded extra rinse, and emptying our pocketbooks a little faster of our money.

I learned yesterday that it just isn't enough to do this stuff, it has to be done and then double checked each day. While it sounds like a long list, it only takes a couple of minutes - and will help save you money while helping the environment.


Tonight, ABC News 20/20 will present "Over a Barrel: The Truth About Oil," about America's oil addiction and how the powers that be want us to stay addicted. We use 400 million gallons of gasoline PER DAY in this country. 9 p.m. Central.


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