Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunny Monday
Always welcome news on a Monday, but here in the Ozarks where we're still hoping we can dry out, each day it doesn't rain is a true blessing.
The Corps of Engineers opened the flood gates again last week on Tablerock Lake, which flowed downstream into Bull Shoals. We saw the flood gates fully open on Saturday and it was truly a remarkable sight. We opened the newspaper yesterday morning to the photos of the damages those flood gates are causing. People are still losing homes and businesses and its wake.
On a lighter note (pun intended), another lamp burned itself out and we replaced the bulb with another one of those funny squiggly bulbs. We're not wasting what we have, replacing as they burn out and I think 3 of our lamps are now more enviornmentally friendly.


At 29 April, 2008 , Blogger Peg Nichols said...

Kerri doesn't know it, but she has a guest living in her house -- ME!
Several decades ago my folks lived in a cabin at Lake Norfolk, and we visited as often as we could.
One weekend at home I visited a local art exhibition. I kept returning to look at a painting of two men fishing from a boat on a lake.
I searched out the painter -- Bob Tabor, with whom we later became better acquainted -- to ask the selling price. The price was modest, but the budget was tight.
I asked Bob what the painting depicted, fully expecting him to reply that it was an imaginary lake, existing only in his painting.
You're probably already ahead of me, and know that his reply was "Lake Norfolk."
Who were the two men? One, said Bob, was a man who owned a vacation cabin, but the other was a well-known fishing guide, who had been pointed out to me by my parents.
I waved my hand beyond the left side of the frame. "There's a commercial fishing dock right over here," I claimed. With some surprise, Bob agreed I was right. I pointed to the upper left part of the painting, "and right up here if you go around the bend you can see my parents' cabin."
The budget streched and we acquired "Rainy Morning." The painting has hung on our family room wall since then. Recently I was pleased to hear one son describe -- incorrectly, but you know kids -- one of the men in the boat as being his grandfather!


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