Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Got Gas?

Is the price of gasoline ever going to stabilize again? Without getting into a political rant here (because I did that shortly after 9-11 and it didn't do any good), I'll stick to the environmental issues. For nearly 100 years, Americans have enjoyed relatively cheap oil and as our dependence grew and our air became more polluted, our government did nothing to stem the tide - and we did nothing in protest.
Now the planet is in trouble and so are we.
I tried combining trips when we lived in the city. Since we've moved here to the Ozarks, we've been forced to this. When we make a 12 mile, 40 minute trek to town, it's for more than a 1/2 gallon of milk or a dozen eggs (I ran out the other day while baking a cake and improvised).
My husband does most of the errands for us while he's in town during the day working. For example, I just got several packages ready to mail this morning and he took them with him. He'll either go to the post office up the street from where he works at lunch or after work. In the city, I probably would have procrastinated and ran into the post office (it was a 10 minute trip) myself.
This way saves us gas, saves the environment and saves me most what I have too little of - time.
Where can you, or have you, been combining trips?


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